Dear new mamas,
Dear new mamas, I’m here for you and please know that I always will be. I get it. I really, really do. I get the fact that some days or every day the mama & baby group just isn’t for you. I get that a lot of the time you just want to do what you would normally do. I get that the nights are long and the days are long and a lot of the time you just want to feel like you. I get that at times you feel insecure, slightly judged and a little lost. I get that sometimes you wake up and wish you could stay in bed all day, or go for a massage, have a giant tequila, check into a beauty spa, have dinner in peace, a shower in peace or more importantly a pee in peace. I also know that sometimes you wake up and want to roll down your mat in your favourite class and get your vinyasa on or take a giant chill pill Yin. Dear mamas please know that I’m here. You are welcome, you are looked after and you are understood. I will hold your baby, feed your baby & rock your baby to sleep as I guide you through your practice whenever I can. I think it goes without saying that I can’t have a sea of pushchairs and crawlers taking over the space, but when you want to get to class, you tell me and I’ll make it happen, always.
Nadine X