Dear teachers, Let’s get real in the face of cultural appropriation.
I often teach a Deep House Power Vinyasa practice. It’s become one of my favourite classes to teach. When I introduced this class to my schedule, it was with the intention of creating a fun and inspirational practice that infused all that I love about what I’ve devoted my life to. To offer myself and those I guide on the mat, a happy place to slow down the mind, explore the body, to step out of a comfort zone, smile, breathe & let go.
As a passionate teacher, yoga practitioner, movement artist, music lover, freedom thinker and lifelong student - I’m determined in this modern world to not only embody yogic roots and traditions in my own life and practice, but to encourage those who choose for me to guide them on their mats, to apply these ancient philosophical teachings into their everyday lives and by doing so feel themselves becoming more whole and at peace with who they are and their experience in this world.
Let’s face it, as teachers and students, how often have we seen or been met with the eye rolling “OH, you do yoga,” the piss take “OMing” and the casual and poorly executed mudra “hippy” mimicking - far too many in my book.
As determined teachers with pure intentions, what if we can find fresh, original and innovative ways to offer up all we love and deliver a practice that honours the source, the history and philosophy, yet through our efforts make it totally relatable to the here and now.
In my power vinyasa flows, I feel like I’ve found a way to provide a space & practice in which I can encourage a cultivation of the yamas & nyamas, and a deeper understanding of the eight limb path. I can introduce the Cakra system and how we may achieve balance in both our energetic & physical body, whilst discussing our deeper layers of self alongside the obstacles to enlightenment. We invoke aspects of mythical dieties - not necessarily in worship, but to honour their qualities that dwell within us. At times I offer up short yet sweet mantras and mudras in devotion to the fierceness of Durga, to the abundance of Lakshmi and to Ganesh - the remover of obstacles, forever paving the way for us to move forward.
For the skeptics, I offer up the following.....I do what I love, I teach what I love and I honour yoga every step of the way. I honour the history & the sacred scripture, I honour the lineage of teachers who have lit up the way and I honour the eight limb path. I honour the power of Sanskrit as I honour the body & the breath, and as we transcend to deeper levels of consciousness I honour those who turn to me for guidance. I honour them with authenticity - with my heart wide open and my feet laid bare in total vulnerability.
Yoga has and always will, offer up a multiple of paths according to a bounty of lineages. The beauty of this practice is letting go of habits, restraints & expectations and stepping into a life full of surrender to the unknowing, internal exploration & a wholeness that comes from cultivating trust in oneself. I bow to the constant ebb & flow of life, I surrender to all that’s been, to all that is and to all that’s come. I trust my heart as my guide through it all. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA.
I leave you now with two sacred words. Not because I believe they’re cool, or something I casually picked up in teacher training. Not because I lack an understanding of it’s usage by a differing culture, and not because practitioners in the western world are used to hearing it in class. I leave you with them because I believe it to be the most beautiful of words. Words that in their vibration have reached the depths of my soul. Words that honour those who we hold space with, for all that they are and all who they may become. OM, NAMASTE.