On your birthday dad.
On your birthday daddy, it’s the little big moments I cherish & celebrate. It’s the early nineties dash home from one job and a quick banana sandwich before running off to the next. It’s the daily drop off and pick up to and from the school gates when everyone else had to get the bus. It’s the taking me to the park, to dancing, to swimming, to gymnastics and more whilst squeezing in study time on the bench or in the car. It’s the afternoon talks on all our favourite subjects. It’s the rubbing my back through the night when my heart was first broken and it’s the knowing smile when I pretended I wasn’t drunk. It’s the kick up the arse that got me to graduation and it’s the slip of cash when I was broke. It’s the self appointed taxi driver role you’ve taken on well into my 30’s. It’s the first gentle hold of a very tiny Rio. It’s the firm grip of my hand when you walked me down the aisle. It’s the smile when you held the granddaughter you never thought you’d have and it’s the unwavering love you continue to give me and so much more. To me, you really are and always will be the absolute best.